Saturday, December 31, 2011

Long story, short: HELP!!!

I believe in that saying that whatever you're doing when the ball drops on New Years eve is what you'll be doing that entire year. I ran the Emerald Nut Run last NYEve and ended up running the whole year... Not sure exactly what I'm doing tonight but I hope it involves l-o-v-e
Still feeling a bit sick so doubt I'll make it out to do anything cool or love induced...  Really hope this new year is filled with happiness, love and dreams fulfilled... I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired...  Something's gotta give every now and then right?
Recently unfriended (on facebook duh) someone who I was SURE was the love of my life but I guess I was lying to myself.  He did something that showed me I probably don't rate top 10 in his life and am only there for his convienence...  I like to take my own advice every now and then so i did...  I got rid of a potential source of pain.  Part of me thinks that if I keep pushing people away I will ensure I am not hurt again but with that strategy will never have love...  It's really a difficult balance to achieve...
Long story, short: HELP!!!

Friday, December 30, 2011


Print Edition of Questmyre Now Available!

Here's the link. It's pretty pricey online and I don't get much royalties so you can always buy it direct from me for just $10.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Negative Blood

I was posting a link to my new book QUESTMYRE on one of my networks for people with rhnegative blood.  I am O Negative, the purest blood form and figured it would be interesting to learn a bit more about it.  I happened to see someone's blog mention something called the Divine Matrix.  I read a little...and some more...and couldn't help but see parallels between this Divine Matrix and the world I created in Questmyre with no outside influence... SOURCE ONE...

Here is what was written about the Divine Matrix:
         from the book
         by Gregg Braden

The Divine Matrix is the container of the universe, the bridge that unites all things and the mirror that shows us what we have created.
All that is present in our world is connected.
To draw from the power of the universe, we conceive of ourselves as part of the world instead of being separate from the world
When something is joined, is always connected, regardless of the existence of a physical link.

Here is what I replied:
This is so weird... I've never read The Divine Matrix and yet some aspects of it sound like the book I wrote years ago (and finally published today) called Questmyre.  In it, there is a world called "Source One" that connects all other worlds... to get out of each world you have to solve a riddle to return to the Source...

I've noticed over the years of my life...that I am in fact...very...different.  My own mother thinks I'm an alien and I assure you I don't put any effort into seeming like an outsider...don't put much into fitting in either so with me what you see is what you get.  Anywho... I've noticed that pretty much everything I write ends up turning into Sci-Fi... I even wrote a piece on religion while in Grad School...just 5 pages in it turned into pure Sci-Fi...  I guess my brain is just wired that way...


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

On Friendship...

"This may sound weird but the best part of my Maryland trip was not sight seeing, parties, or day spa visits (didn't get a chance to do most of that anyway). It was me...cutting up ginger root....making ginger tea...then adding just the right amount of honey...for my good friend and mother-to-be to help ease her pregnancy ills. I can't help but remember the time she dropped everything; husband, ...job and home to visit me right after my operation and helped me get through it all...There is, without a doubt, nothing more beautiful than friendship. The Wise know this sacred truth: True friendship and Pure love outweigh money, fame or power in importance and is eternal currency for those who know its value..." Hajee

Leaving Maryland...

Felt like there was something special about this trip...  Something about it brought the past into the light.  Ended up sitting in my friends kitchen this morning, sipping coffee, reminiscing and crying my eyes out.  I always tell everyone I have a bad memory but after this morning I can't help but wonder if it is not a glitch in my recall ability but rather a desire to push everything into the deep dark closets of my mind.  It seems like everytime I share a story from my childhood with a friend, I can't help but realize how much of a soldier I truly am.  My friends husband was crazed about "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" and that entire book series...  The more he went on and on about the main character...her craziness...her genius...her pain...her eventual role as a heroine...I could not help but feel as if he were describing me in my most essential form...  Like my main character "Robin" in Questmyre I felt like today I had gazed into the glowing light of a "Sad Sally Flower" and came away with tears; yes... but also with a sense that part of my pain had been sucked away....

Sunday, December 25, 2011

A Snippet from Chapter 8

“You are very beautiful… why would you be hidden away like this?” Robin asked gently.

Mirub laughed softly then spoke through her tear choked throat, “Beauty… it’s one of the worse curses ever made… My beauty made me stand out amongst my people… my beauty made me a rich man’s pet… my beauty stole away every chance I had to be a normal young girl who finds her partner,... gets married, has little babies and dotes on them as they grow up… My beauty made me a possession to be had; a rich man’s trophy…a broken doll sitting in a tower hidden away from…. life…” She finally broke down and began to cry openly.

Robin motioned for Roami to do something. He walked towards Mirub and patted her back soothingly.

“It’s okay. We consider you a friend Mirub. Robin and I won’t let you remain a prisoner here. We are looking for a way out of Fitz and when we do we will get you out of here too. This is a promise.” Roami said with determination.


A Snippet from Chapter 3

Robin ran like the hounds of hell were at her feet. Everything passed by her in a blur of colors and sensations. Her focus was solely on the back of the young boy who was now her only connection to normalcy in this strange new world. Leaves swiped past her face, branches and twigs scratched at her legs and arms. She nearly tripped twice but was able to right herself j...ust in time.

Thankfully Robin was in pretty good shape and had ran track for a few years while attending school. She had been addicted to extra-curricular activities as they allowed her to stay away from her countless “homes” as much possible. Robin had joined any team or group that would take her. Running was something she had found to be mildly therapeutic.

While running, her body and spirit seemed to slowly separate. While her legs and feet held to the rhythmic pattern of the forward motion, her mind would slowly slip away into a blissful cloud of whiteness. She loved finding this ethereal place where time, space, pain and hurt did not exist. Here, Robin could just float without worries. That is where she was slowly going as her feet pounded over rocks, logs, branches and other forest debris towards the young boy who held all the answers to the questions she needed answered.

“Please wait!” she said breathlessly as she followed where he led. It seemed to her that he was going to run forever. Just when she wondered if she could keep up their wild pace, he began to slow down and then stopped altogether...


A Snippet from Chapter 1

“I’m not scared. Nothing scares me. I’m good. It’s all good. I’ll just sleep here tonight and worry about tomorrow... tomorrow. Then, I will go and find Vick wherever he’s staying and see if he will ... If he will…” She faltered, not knowing what she expected Vick to do. How could they survive alone on the hard streets of New York City? She did not know exactly; ...had not thought it all out and she definitely did not have all the answers. All she knew for certain was that she did not want to be alone. Not like this.

Robin pulled off her small green jacket and draped it over her upper body for a blanket. She knew her efforts were in vain, however since her flimsy denim jeans and purple t-shirt would not keep her warm through the night. Looking down she took notice that even her sneakers had a few tears in them.

Resting her hands on the hard bench like a pillow, Robin laid her head on her hands. With her makeshift blanket and pillow positioned, Robin begged herself not to cry and to fall fast asleep. Only one of those pleas was answered…
As she slept, her cheeks sparkled in the glow of the moon and only a nearby night owl was witness to her silent weeping.

That night Robin slept within the deepest slumber she had ever experienced. It was as if she had fallen into a bottomless well and even the opening had blacked out into an endless darkness. Her head tingled with a cold more frigid than she had ever known and her body felt weightless and insubstantial.

A Snippet from Chapter 5

Robin looked up into his gentle golden eyes, “Yes, but for how long? You can’t do it forever, Roami. You know that… You will get tired at some point…”

Staring up at the ruby red sky for strength Roami said, “I will do it for as long as my body will allow.” He promised her then clenched his jaw with sheer determination.
They stayed that way; holding each other and drifting in their new water world for what seemed like lifetimes but which may have been the equivalent of countless hours on earth. Robin knew the exact moment when Roami had no choice but to give in to his body’s exhaustion.

Roami looked at Robin, his face sallow from lack of sleep, food and rest. “Robin… I’m sorry… It is time.” He said sadly while his blue tears fell down from his face to mix with the gray water surrounding them.

Nodding her head while she whispered her thanks softly in his ear; Robin rubbed Roami’s back to comfort him before they died.

She did not know what words were appropriate for the occasion of imminent death and so did the first thing that came to her mind. She sang their song…

Maryland for Christmas

Still in Maryland visiting friends.  Had a great time discussing my new book and meeting a few new writers at a party last night.  Definitely felt this particular journey has had a focal point.  I could not help but think about how much I've done and yet how far I have not gone...  My only hope for the new year is that Questmyre will bring me where I most desire to be.  I put so much of my spiritual energy into Book 1 of the saga and feel I have successfully brought it to life.  The only remaining question now is, will my baby go out into the world and make me proud? or perhaps it is better said this way, will the tree I planted bear delicious fruit?  Time will tell...